Construction, Demolition and Environmental Dust Monitors
Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1995 and the Government’s UK Air Quality Strategy (1997) sets out limit values controlling the mass concentration of airborne PM10 and proposed limits for PM2.5.
Why Buy a Dust Monitor?
Documents, such as “Technical Guidance Note M17: Monitoring of particulate matter in ambient air around waste facilities” (Environment Agency, 2004) and the “Minerals Policy Statement (MPS) 2, Annex 1: Dust (ODPM, 2005) have imposed further duties to control environmental dust emissions More recently a sharp focus on construction and demolition sites within urban areas has been brought about. This has culminated in the release of “The Control of Dust and Emissions from Construction and Demolition: Best Practice Guidance”, Greater London Authority 2006 and a supplementary planning guidance note released in 2014. Within this document it states:
“All demolition and construction sites should be monitored for the generation of air pollution. It is essential to monitor for dust generation, including PM10. For smaller sites this can be simply visual monitoring. The need to monitor PM2.5 and NO2 will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the local planning authority. The need for monitoring will generally depend on existing air quality, air pollution risks from the development, the technical practicalities and financial implications of such monitoring.”
To enable our customers to comply with increasing demands for on site particulate/dust monitoring, we have have brought you key technologies from Turnkey Instruments and our know how to achieve monitoring compliance.